Green Carpet Treatment

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To us, all our guests are VIP’s and with that comes green carpet!

All campers love a lush, green site and we strive to keep our sites green and grassed, but, as you all know, grass can be very hard to grow at the best of times. As our park has grown in popularity over recent years, it has been challenging to keep sites green over busy times and the result has been dead grass and dirt patches on many popular sites.

But, we love a challenge!

With Rohan’s attitude, “for every problem there is a solution”, he decided to invest in a turf farm. After all, he does have a background in golf course curating and management and he takes pride in his green grass!

So, with endless time spent on tractors, mowers, fertilising and watering, the first sods were produced in August 2017.  Rohan has spent a lot of time, effort and money in sodding our sites, reseeding areas and elevating dips and gutters to prevent sites from flooding easily. We have therefore had to become stricter on the type of flooring we allow on our sites.


Grass friendly mats are the answer! Grass friendly mats give the grass underneath air and light to allow it to keep growing. A lot of parks in Australia are introducing rules about the types of flooring that can be used and we are following this idea. If our guests want a grassed site, it is now a requirement that an approved type of mat, such as those listed below, is used (or something similar). This will keep our grass green and alive and your van/tent clean of any dirt. We understand that not everybody owns one of these mats, therefore we have a supply of these mats at reception that you can borrow. If you try the mat and you are happy with it and want to keep the mat, no problem! The mats are for sale here at Halls gap lakeside.

We approve mats by the following manufacturers (or similar designs):

No other mats are to be used. Rubber floor tiles, carpets, and rubber mats all have the tendency to kill the grass and prevent other guests from enjoying a nice grassed site. If we spot anybody using non-approved floor coverings we will request that they be removed.

If you are not sure whether your mat is grass friendly, please ask one of our staff members and we can have a look!

If you are sleeping in a tent and staying with us for several nights, we would appreciate it if you borrow one of our Enduro mats to set up on, as we believe it will help the grass survive.

Thank you for assisting us as we strive to offer you the VIP green carpet treatment you deserve!

A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.